Transform Your Life with

The Gentle Art of Living

Find the inner strength, resilience, and peace you've been seeking.

Are you living REACTIVELY?

In today’s world, many of us live in reaction mode—especially when it comes to our health. We wait for stress, illness, or overwhelm to hit before we take action. But just as we’re beginning to see the value of being proactive about our physical health through diet, rest, and exercise, there’s a critical component often overlooked: our mental health.

Most people are not taught to be proactive about their inner world. They endure life’s inevitable challenges without the internal resilience needed to stay strong, calm, and fulfilled. Are you ready to change that?

A Path to Inner Strength

Hi, I’m OJ Catbagan, a life coach with over 20 years of martial arts experience and deep expertise in personal growth and resilience. Martial arts has taught me the importance of constantly challenging ourselves and seeking growth opportunities to stay at our best. Just as martial artists train their bodies and minds, we can train our mental health to be resilient and strong.

I’ve learned through my own journey, the teachings of Syd Banks’ 3 Principles, and Michael Neill’s Living from the Inside-Out philosophy that the quality of our life is shaped by how we engage with our inner world. As we develop this relationship, we can find peace and strength even in the toughest situations.

Build Inner Resilience & Peace

Here's howThe Gentle Art of Living can help you:

1. Proactive Inner Health - Just like your physical health, maintaining strong mental habits can prepare you for life’s challenges. By building a deeper connection to your internal world, you’ll cultivate resilience, calm, and fulfillment.

2. Embrace Growth, Overcome Limitations - You don’t need to be trapped by your past or trauma. You can’t change what’s happened, but you can make new choices today—ones that set the foundation for a future you’ll be proud of.

3. Learning the Art of Calm - When we’re calm, we show up as the best version of ourselves. Inner peace isn’t something you stumble upon—it’s something you can learn and practice, just like martial arts.

4. Live from the Inside-Out - Through the principles I’ve applied and taught, you’ll begin to see how your experience of life is shaped from within. No matter what the external circumstances are, you can maintain a state of inner peace and strength.

What Life Looks Like When You're at Your Best

When you learn to proactively strengthen your inner world, everything changes:

  • You become resilient to life’s stressors.

  • You show up as your best self in relationships, work, and personal goals.

  • You cultivate a deep sense of self-trust and inner peace that guides you through tough situations.

  • You unlock the fulfillment and happiness you’ve been searching for.

Take Action Today: Create a Legacy You’re Proud Of

Your past doesn’t have to define you, but your present choices can create a future you’ll look back on with pride. For yourself, your family, and your legacy—choose to build the life you truly want.

Ready to transform your life?

• Schedule a Free Consultation today to begin your journey toward lasting inner peace and resilience.

It’s Time to Experience the Gentle Art of Living.

Unlock your true potential and start living a life of peace, fulfillment, and strength.


What others are saying

"the best investment I’ve ever made"

“I was feeling angry, stuck, and full of resentment. It felt impossible to tackle. I knew what I wanted but didn’t know how to get there. Working with OJ was different because instead of doing the work for me, he gave me the tools to figure it out myself. I knew our work together was helping when I stopped hesitating and started making choices based on what was right for me, not everyone else. I’m more free now and don’t dwell on things like I used to. Your coaching has been the best investment I’ve ever made for myself.” - Anna

"I’m still here"

“I was suffering from anxiety and depression, feeling numb and empty, like nothing mattered. Working with OJ was a game-changer. He helped me understand the importance of self-love and forgiveness. It wasn’t an overnight solution, but OJ’s insights helped me work through my struggles. Now, I no longer have thoughts of harming myself, and I can identify and manage my feelings. Thanks to OJ, I’m still here.” - Ivyn

"now everything flows"

“My main issue was communication, especially in my relationship with my wife. I would react instead of gathering my thoughts, and it always led to frustration. OJ helped me understand that people react differently and assumptions shouldn’t be made. One moment that really hit me was when I used to get angry over dinner not being made when I came home. Through our talks, we learned to communicate better, and now everything flows. We plan ahead, make agreements, and resolve issues without frustration.” - Allan

Office: Jiu-Jitsu Kubo Austin,TX


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